Those of you who follow me on social media probably know that Mark and I recently got engaged (and I now, more than ever, seriously need to update my “about me” section).
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret: we’ve been engaged for almost a month now, but we didn’t tell the whole wide world about it until a week or so ago.
Mark and I like doing things the traditional way, so we wanted to try to tell as many of our friends and family in person (or at least on the phone) about our engagement before making it public knowledge.
Soooo … Wedding Wednesday, eh?
Because it annoys me when bloggers I love go wedding or baby crazy (no offense … just a personal preference), I’m going to try to keep the wedding jazz to a minimum on this blog. Instead of blogging here about wedding stuff, I’ve started a wedding website over at I’ll also use that site to keep my future wedding guests updated about the big day.
To keep those of you who are interested in wedding stuff in the proverbial loop, I’m going to use the occasional Wednesday to talk about wedding stuff here, but I’ll keep it at a synopsis and link you over to the wedding site in case you want to read.
This week’s installment: the proposal.
(spoiler alert: I said yes).
Alex @ Alex Tries it Out
You officially got your wedding website up before me
… stop it!
I have like 3 weeks off from class. Maybe mine’ll finally happen?
Alex @ Alex Tries it OutIt’ll happen! Also, your wedding is going to be WAYYYYY bigger than ours, so you’ve got way more stuff to do than we do. I’m trying to figure out how to get the guest list down to 100 without pissing anybody off. Ha.
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
Eeep! Wedding Wednesday!
I totally get what you mean though about blogs turning into wedding or baby blogs. I do appreciate when bloggers start another blog or keep it to a certain day or something. Then again, I can’t stop myself from opening a post when someone like Jenn (P+C), Brittany or Katie (Healthy Diva) posts a baby pic, so….apparently my feelings are mixed.
Oh and official blog congrats on your engagement! 😉
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health NutYeah, I am with you on baby pix. 🙂 and wedding pix. But I know that some bloggers go into overdrive on one subject and the stuff I used to enjoy reading tends to go away. I’ll keep writing about music, design, art, and sometimes about running or food. 🙂
Thanks on the congrats. I think it’s more official on the blog than in person … haha. Kidding.
Carly @ Snack Therapy
Congratulations! So happy for you!
Carly @ Snack TherapyThanks, Carly!
Mary Ann
Congratulations! 🙂
lynne @ lgsmash
CONGRATULATIONS, girlfriend!! and such a beautiful ring he picked out for you!!
lynne @ lgsmashThank you! He did a fabulous job. 🙂