Vegan Butternut Squash Chili
This week’s What I Ate Wednesday is all about this soup.
I’ve been eating it since Saturday, so I think it pretty much sums up my week so far.
I posted this on Instagram yesterday, and had quite a few requests for the recipe.
I went to Minnesota last weekend and picked apples with Mark’s family. We made some apple pie and had chili. I obviously can’t eat regular chili because of the tomatoes and onions, so Mark came up with this alternative. I saw something in Good Housekeeping about how to use a can of butternut squash soup in place of tomato paste, and this sparked an idea.
But first, apple picking pix!
I attempted to curl my hair, but it didn’t work out. My hair is a mess right now (more on that to come).
I can’t believe that Mark’s dad missed this golden opportunity to photobomb.
And hey, a creepy sign!
Anywho. Chili.
Mark was up until 3:30 AM Saturday making this for me to have the next day. He ended up roasting a chicken beforehand so he could make the chicken broth for it (hold on vegans! You can use any broth for this — I just can’t have veggie broth for obvious reasons, but it would likely be better with veggie vs. chicken). Yeah. That’s my guy. I’ve been eating this all week because Mark made a TON. It’s so good! Especially now that I’m eating it NOT next to regular chili (because a substitute is never as good as the real thing).
Tomato- and onion-free vegan butternut squash chili
- 6 cups chicken stock (or vegetable broth)
- 2 medium butternut squash
- 2 red peppers
- 1-2 ancho chillies or whatever spicy chillies you want to taste
- 2 15- oz cans of beans — we used dry beans (kidney and black beans — you can't find cans w/o onion in them)
- 3 T lime juice
- Roast and peel the red peppers.
- Peel and cube the squash.
- Dice the chillies and roasted red peppers.
- Add all of the veggies to a pot and cover with the stock.
- Cook on medium high until the squash is fork-tender.
- Blend the mixture — I suggest an immersion blender.
- Then add bean, lime juice and any additional diced chillies you desire.
In other news, I got a haircut.
Finally. Turns out you can over-protein your hair. I was trying to build everything back up after I fried it in June. So I was moisturizing, moisturizing, moisturizing, and all the products I was using have keratin in them. Don’t do that. It has protein in it which can make your hair dry, brittle, and frizzy. Or at least it made mine dry, brittle, and frizzy. So I’m working to try to restore balance, but it’s going to be a long process. We had to cut a lot more hair than I wanted to cut since I’m trying to grow it out.
It’s a reboot of one of my favorite haircuts, and hopefully it will get back to being healthy super-quick-like.
And I’m off to eat more of my soup!
My class was canceled today as my prof is ill (I hope he’s playing hooky because he’s been sick twice this week). So I get to go home and spend time with my doggy.
Do you like chili? Beans or no beans? What’s your favorite chili recipe (for future reference …)?

why didn’t you send me some of that? jk haha
lindsayhaha I would have except it probably wouldn’t mail very well!
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table
Hahaha – Mark’s dad has an apple leaf ‘stache.
Love your hair!!!
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli
Awwww! Up until 3AM?! What a MAN!! I love that he went through the extra effort to make something especially for you! I love a good pot of chili and I love remixing it and trying new things…with meat, no meat, extra veggies, pumpkin…but I’ve never tried it withOUT tomatoes! Now I’m curious!
Hate the reason you had to chop off all your hair, but I swear you can rock any length!
Brittany @ Delights and Delectables
You know I’m making this!!! Chili isn’t chili without the beans… IMHO. 😉