This is probably going to be my last wedding invite update post for a while.
I really probably should have spaced them out more, but now I’ve hopefully created interest and suspense. 🙂 I have a Vegas invite nearly ready for the shop but I need to tweak the size so it’s the 5×7″ size I’ve been working with. I’d like to stick to one size for invites until I get a few orders out the door.
These are the Chelsea Invites — custom illustration and invite created for my sister’s friend Chelsea. I want to do a couple more invites with my little birdies illustrations.
These images are copyrighted. Do not use these images without permission.

Edit 09/14/2016: I’ve updated these invites a bit and am offering them for sale in my stationery shop on etsy.
I’m offering two slightly different designs. Version 1 is the original design with a little bit of tweaking on the type. Version two features some popular brush script typefaces.

Currently I’m offering two pre-designed color options, but the option for custom colors is available.

I also designed a virtual and regular baby shower version.
I always thought the birdies with the nest made for a pretty cute baby announcement or shower invitation. People have the option to choose the color and number of the eggs and the little birdies (to signify their children).

Kelly L
LOVE the birdies.
You realize you are going to be designing my invites, should I ever get married, right? Glad that we are settled on that.