I’m a featured pinner on Pinterest.
… or else I waste a LOT of time.
I recently joined Pinterest, a website that allows you to curate and catalog different interests online.
I’ve mainly been using it to bookmark great design for inspiration, DIY and craft tutorials and some ideas for my sketchbook.
Well, apparently people like what I’m posting because this week I’m in the top overall most “prolific” pinners.

I’m also one of the top 5 pinners for design+packaging!

I’ve collected a lot of fabulous finds from around the interwebs and I’ve got my own li’l station for inspiration rather than pulling out a book I’ve seen a million times.

Adria Swinconos
you have too much time on your hands! lol
Kelly L
Yeah, I’d definitely say you’re prolific. I get an email EVERY TIME you post something to the shared board and I tried to figure out how to make those stop but I can’t so I have to go through and delete sixty emails on my blackberry from Pinterest every day. 😉
awesome! you are so cool calee! can i get cool points by knowing you 🙂 i want them!