My Butterflies in Wonderland quilt is finished.
Finally finally finally finished my wonderland quilt
(ie. the first quilt top I made ever).
I had it professionally quilted with a butterfly pattern in yellow thread. The back is pink.
I LOVE this fabric line. It’s sold out pretty much everywhere though. 🙁
Anyway, my camera died when I was taking photos, so here’s all I have:

I got photos professionally taken of this quilt!
I had been asked to send some photos of my work to The Nest magazine, so I had a local photographer, Bethany Kohoutek, take some photos of my work to send them.

omg! i love this!!!!!!!!!!!
Gorgeosity! 🙂
And, oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! October 10 is the best day to have one. Really. I know this. 🙂
Your blanket is so rad! For Nest – that’s pretty slick. This looks like a chair Bethany Kohoutek shot over at Ikonix. Is it?